Peeps 08 Media List

Peeps 08 Playlist

Peeps 08 Reading List

The Chinese Built a Bridge in Montenegro That Leads to Nowhere
NPR / 06.29.2021
China’s finished bridge and unfinished road to nowhere in the middle of Montenegro, and what this reveals about development projects, power and policy.

Has a U of T Funder Intervened in Hiring a Palestinian Scholar?
The New Yorker / 05.08.2021
Is the U of T protecting its researchers, and itself, from funder influence?

Distraction Pieces on Productivity Part 2
Distraction Pieces / 05.19.2020
Scroobius Pip continues his conversation with Rutger Bregman,

Distraction Pieces on Productivity Part 1
Distraction Pieces / 20.02.2019
Podcaster Scroobius Pip interviews Davos-shamer and hopeful realist Rutger Bregman on the value of removing productivity as a focus in our work to increase innovation and joy.

Culture, Design & Decolonization: A Conversation with Dean Dori Tunstall
A trailblazer and pioneer, Dean Dori Tunstall of OCAD speaks to Philip McKenzie at The Deep Dive about respect for difference, cultural or otherwise, and using design to help create a human context that is inclusive and sustainable.

Colombia’s National Strikes: A Primer
The New Humanitarian / 09.25.2020
A look at what’s behind the National Strikes in Colombia. (photo from Peeps Issue 6)

Peeps 06 Play List

Peeps 06 Media List
Key readings and inspiration on how Agency is seen around the world.

Peeps 06 Reading List
Key readings and inspiration on how Agency works around the world.

Dr. Kate Soper on the Opportunities of Change to our Economies Post-CoVid ↗
The Guardian / 09.08.2020
How post-CoVid economic goals should be different, but we need to act now to make it happen.

New Yorker Review of Ouvrir la voix ↗
New Yorker / July 16, 2018
A review of a documentary that views the intersections of race and being a woman in France from the perspectives of 24 French women of colour.

Independence with Social Distancing Comes in a Car for British Youth ↗
ITV Report / 05.25.2020
Teens and young adults alike have resorted to some interesting tactics to achieve independence while quarantining with their parents.

History of Police in America ↗
Vox / 06.06.2020
Historian Khalil Muhammad lays out the historical role of police in imposing systems of oppression.

Anti-Racism Resource List

Peeps 05 Reading List

Peeps 05 Play List

Business Culture Curation Health
Italy Reopens: A Tale of Two Bookstores ↗
NPR / 05.05.2020
In countries where we are still immersed in social distancing measures and business closures, this piece by NPR speaks to the concerns and anxieties of two small bookstore owners as they eye reopening.

Predictions are hard, especially about the coronavirus ↗
Vox / 04.08.2020
Information about Covid-19 and how to protect yourself from it changes day by day. Vox reports on why pandemic predictions are difficult.

The scale, scope and breadth of language and context: Invisiblia on the connections we never imagined. ↗
Invisibilia / 03.06.2020
Invisibilia brings light to the unimagined ways we are linked in this great piece on how we are all connected through language, no matter which one we speak

Pandemics as Looking Glasses of Society ↗
NPR / 04.29.2020
Pandemics as truth-telling about society. The way we manage this tells us everything about our values and the world we want to live in versus what we’ve created.

Val Curtis: Disgust and Hygiene ↗
The Dissenter / 11.22.2018
Is the concept of “hygiene” universal? Val Curtis, Director of the Environmental Health Group at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine shares insights with The Dissenter.

Culture Curation Urban Culture World Affairs
David Remnick: Catharsis and Hope in New York ↗
The New Yorker Radio Hour / 04.10.2020
David Remnick harkens to the ways in which New York has changed on the ground in this poetic piece for the New Yorker Radio Hour, addressing how life in the city has been defined by encounters, and how that life is now determined by the absence of encounter.

‘Faith Not Fear’ and the Spread of the Coronavirus ↗
SAPIENS / 04.09.20
Paula Sky Tullman asks how you can affect change before devastation or catastrophe hit. What role can cultural anthropology play in creating consensus despite difference?

Heidi Larson: Why Trust in Vaccines is Important ↗
NPR / 04.03.2020
Anthropologist and founding Director of The Vaccine Confidence Project at the WHO Centre of Excellence illustrates how the roots of doubt in vaccines stem from a failure of trust in our institutions and their concern for the real well-being of the populations they are meant to serve.

The Desperate Need for Localism ↗
The Guardian / 03.20.2020
Global crises need need not only international solidarity but also locally-based solutions to them for communities to survive.

Curation Health Urban Culture World Affairs
Arundhati Roy: ‘The Pandemic is a Portal’ ↗
The Financial Times / 04.03.2020
Arundhati Roy’s insights on how the pandemic is forcing ‘humans to break with the past and imagine their world anew.’

The Poverty of Progress ↗
The New Internationalist / 02.24.2020
An in-depth look into the international price we pay for the illusion of infinite economic progress.

The Importance of Social Capital During a Pandemic ↗
The Wire / 03.30.2020
Shifting focus from economies to societies in our understanding of collective context, we need to understand the true currency of value in crisis.

What Contagion’s Bookends Tells us About New Infections and a Racialized Geography of Blame ↗
Somatosphere / 03.06.2020
Review of the film Contagion in relation to the story it shares about privileged travel as conduit for disease spread.

The Good Place: The Last Great Sitcom ↗
Time / 01.23.2020

Race, Epidemics and the Viral Economy ↗
The New Humanitarian / 02.04.2020
The coronavirus is new, but not the toxic narratives around it.

The Calculus of Contagion ↗
Aeon / 09.16.2016
The history of the numbers we all rely on in anticipating a pandemic growth rate.

“I Rescued My Ancestors” ↗
CBC / 03.06.2020
Anishinaabe anthropologist brings archival recordings back home.

Sun Ra Inspires Tube Artwork (but so much more) ↗
The Guardian / 09.27.2013
This piece may be older, but it illustrates the ways in which Afrofuturist art and narrative, specifically that of Sun Ra, have opened vistas for opportunity and change among the African diaspora in the UK and beyond.

Ghanaian Fans Have One Nit To Pick But Otherwise Adore ‘Black Panther’ ↗
NPR 02.20.2018
Ghanaian Fans Have One Nit To Pick But Otherwise Adore ‘Black Panther’

Schooling Comes Naturally to Mexico’s Indigenous People ↗
Aeon / 2016
PEEPS CURATION: Aeon did a piece in 2016 that merits continued attention today. It looks at the Centre for Indigenous Arts in Papantla, in the Mexican state of Veracruz where they promote indigenous education and the decolonizing of education.

How to Save a Dying Language ↗
The Atlantic / 12.9.2019
The Hawaiian language nearly went extinct. Now it’s being taught in dozens of immersion schools.

How Economic Boom Times in the West Came to an End ↗
Aeon / 02.22.2017
Economist, historian and journalist Marc Levinson on the 20th century economic and cultural boom in the West

Gender-Neutral Pronouns Can Change a Culture ↗
Wired / 08.15.2019
Elena Lacey of Wired Magazine looks at how changing language changes behaviour in a community.

The Miseducation of the American Boy ↗
The Atlantic / 12.20.2019
Peggy Orenstein on how cultural stereotypes of aggression in boys have profound impacts on their development in unexpected ways.

Culture Curation Urban Culture
4 Peeps Media List
Peeps’ inaugural media list, curated and kicked-off by our editor Ife Olatunji, focuses on afrofuturism in its many forms.

4 Peeps Play List
The playlist, for Issue 4, kicked off by our editorial team but to be expanded by our readers/listeners, is here!

Culture Curation Urban Culture
4 Peeps Reading List
Peeps editor Cat Ashton kicks off our reading list with a bevy of speculative fictions about the future.

Art Meets Futurism: “What Would Leonardo da Vinci Think of the Future?” ↗
Sapiens.org / 05.02.2019
In honor of the 500th anniversary of da Vinci’s death, historian Stephen E. Nash examines the artist’s forward thinking work: from pioneering cartography to the roots of virtual reality in paint.

Whose Ukraine is it Anyway? ↗
Rough Translation / 12.04.2019
Humour as competitive sport in Ukraine, and training ground for politics.

A Brief History of Borders ↗
The Correspondent / 12.02.2019
An insightful examination of how borders succeed and fail at what they were built to do.

Kodak’s Missed Moment ↗
Spectacular Failures / 7.15.2019
Kodak, the gold standard of photography, and the company that created digital cameras, was one of the first victims of a newly digitized world. Listen to this great portrait of the extensive impacts of cultural and technological change at Spectacular Failures.

The Dark Side of Prime ↗
Bitch Media / 11.26.2019
Bitch Media reminds us that our new culture of retail convenience has a dark side.

The Research Behind Binge Watching as a Cultural Movement ↗
Insights Association / 10.11.2018
We are hearing all about the new streaming wars: but what about the massive, research-driven cultural change that brought it about? The Insights Association shared a piece discussing Netflix research methods resulting in a radical change in the way we watch “shows.”

The Generation Gap Bites Back: Gen Z & Millenials Call Out Boomer Privilege with Digital Eyeroll ↗
The NY Times dropped a great piece today on how Boomers call anyone younger than themselves “Millenial”, and Gen Z and Millenials have responded with “OK, Boomer”

Counteract Propaganda through Lessons from Advertising ↗
Scientific American / 06.21.2017
An election season survival guide: learning to read past propaganda.

Corporate Values, Community Values and McDonalds ↗
Rough Translation / 09.18.2019
An arresting examination of when corporate values and community values work and falter, played out in a McDonald’s in the north end of Marseilles.

Dr Martin Luther King: “Public Sociologist Par Excellence” ↗
Sociology at Work / 01.20.2016

Picture of a House—Toward the Ethnography of the Academia ↗
Allegra Laboratory / 01.19.2016

Culture Curation Urban Culture
Peeps 3 Playlist
Peeps Playlist 1:
September 16th, 2019.
Cultural context and a healthy dose of human insight mix to make some great tunes in our first playlist. Help us make it deeper and richer (and more fun :))…

Science Says Art Will Make Your Kids Better Thinkers (and Nicer People) ↗
Fast Company / 04.20.2016
A new study supports our hunch that kids who are exposed to the arts gain benefits beyond just being “more creative.”

What Journalists Get Wrong About Social Science, According to 20 Scientists ↗
Vox / 01.26.2016

Pleasure is Good: How French Children Acquire a Taste for Life ↗
The Conversation / 01.08.2016

The Death and Mourning for David Bowie ↗
Warwick / 01.18.2016

The Anthropology of Hackers ↗
The Atlantic / 01.25.2016

The EPIC2015 Conversation ↗
Epic People / 01.28.2016

Cover Story ↗
99% Invisible / 02.03.2016

Fast-World Values ↗
Aeon / 02.08.2016
For all the smart tech, we still feel pressed for time. Are digital services the problem, or are we humans to blame?

Race is a Social Construct, Scientists Argue ↗
Scientific American / 02.10.2016
Racial categories are weak proxies for genetic diversity and need to be phased out.

The Facebook-Loving Farmers of Myanmar ↗
The Atlantic / 02.14.2016
A dispatch from an Internet revolution in progress.

Get What’s Mine: Formation Changes the Way We Listen to Beyoncé Forever ↗
Vice / 02.15.2016

Why Design Thinking Won’t Save You ↗
Harvard Business Review / 02.26.2016
An old, but still very relevant article

These New York Kids Are the Future of Technical Design ↗
Forbes / 02.27.2016

Why We Post ↗
University College, London / 03.08.2016
Why We Post is a global anthropological research project on the uses and consequences of social media.

Anthropology in Business ↗
American Anthropological Association / 03.11.2016
For business, what do anthropologists bring to the party?

Ideo Reimagines The Future Of Planned Parenthood ↗
Fast Company / 03.20.2016
The prestigious global consultants elevate Planned Parenthood’s patient experience with human-centered design.

The Art and Science of Customer Empathy in Design Thinking ↗
Forbes / 03.27.2016

The Bane of Cultural Appropriation ↗
Al Jazeera / 05.06.2016
The campaign against cultural appropriation is part of the broader attempt to police communities and cultures.

Why Big Data is Actually Small, Personal and Very Human ↗
Aeon / 08.26.2016

Getting the Most Out of Ethnography for User Experience ↗
Medium / 08.31.2016
How reading ethnography has helped me to understand the power of observation and gain greater empathy with my users

How Can Design Advance Education? ↗
IDEO / 09.01.2016
Partnering with changemakers to design the most innovative systems, tools and experiences for learners of all ages.

The New Normal of Urbanism in Our Globalized Cities ↗
Podcast by Kristen Jeffers and Katrina Johnston-Zimmerman / 09.11.2016
A wonderful new podcast by two urbanists with years of experience studying, commenting on, and creating urban spaces. Coming from the perspective called “third wave urbanism”, this is the new normal of human-scale urban thinking from a female point of view

Let’s Get to Work ↗
Electric Lit / 11.14.2016
Practical Ways for Writers and Teachers to Get Involved Right Now

On Being an Ethnographer ↗
Fersa, University of Cambridge Blog / 04.30.2017
Being an ethnographer, everyday and every moment can be a research moment. There is taking a break, but not turning off.

How Pot is Infiltrating New York’s Most Elite Social Circles
New York Post / 03.19.2017
While recreational marijuana is still illegal in New York state and medical marijuana is only legal for those with serious diseases, more and more Gothamites are getting high.

The Water-Cooler Problem ↗
Sapiens / 01.28.2016
Company success and employee satisfaction depend on social ties that are hard to forge in a globalized era.

Cultural Anthropologist Susan Kresnicka Reveals How Her Core Passions Help Hollywood Thrive ↗
Forbes / 01.20.2016
I encourage our clients to focus less on trend-chasing and more on understanding the broader cultural forces.

About Face ↗
The New Yorker / 03.23.2015
Why is South Korea the world’s plastic-surgery capital?

‘Design Thinking’ is Changing the Way We Approach Problems ↗
University Affairs / 01.13.2016
Design Thinking is Changing the Way We Approach Problems: Why researchers in various disciplines are using the principles of design to solve problems big and small

The Trials of Alice Goffman ↗
New York Times / 01.17.2017
Her first book, ‘On the Run’—about the lives of young black men in West Philadelphia—has fueled a fight within sociology over who gets to speak for whom.

What Was Volkswagen Thinking? ↗
The Atlantic / 01.01.2016

An Anthropologist Unravels the Mysteries of Mexican Migration ↗
National Geographic / 12.2016
An Anthropologist Unravels the Mysteries of Mexican Migration: Undocumented immigrants risk scorching temperatures, venomous creatures, and military surveillance to get into the U.S.

How the Arts Add to Urban Economies ↗
Citylab / 01.08.2015
Performing arts organizations like opera or ballet help to attract knowledge workers.

A Behavorial Approach to Product Design ↗
Medium / 01.08.2016
Four steps to designing products with impact.