The Way We Move Issue

Well, here we are. Issue 5. We made it, both literally and figuratively. And we have the loveliest gifts of stories to remind you how it feels to move in and around the world. Letter from the Editor

Five Movements of Mothering

Moving in Stillness

Stories from the Road

Coming of Age on Wheels


Anti-Racism Resource List


Peeps 05 Play List


Peeps 05 Reading List


Forum Research

In Defense of Bias

Everyone and everything has inherent bias- but that is a good thing, as long as it is recognized. Katrina Johnston-Zimmerman tells us why.


Peeps 07 Media List

A list of the best films covering the topic of cultural trauma curated by the senior editors at Peeps.

Curation Health

Pandemics as Looking Glasses of Society ↗

NPR / 04.29.2020

Pandemics as truth-telling about society. The way we manage this tells us everything about our values and the world we want to live in versus what we’ve created.