The Future Issue

With this issue of Peeps, we bring you the work of researchers and visionaries who guide us forward by looking back. 2020 is off to a challenging start, but the hope lies in the lessons we learn... Editorial

Afrofuturism Answers Back to Afro-pessimism

Stories to Build a World By

Innovating for a Sustainable Future

What to do with the Present

Un-Settling the City


4 Peeps Play List

The playlist, for Issue 4, kicked off by our editorial team but to be expanded by our readers/listeners, is here!


4 Peeps Reading List

Peeps editor Cat Ashton kicks off our reading list with a bevy of speculative fictions about the future.


4 Peeps Media List

Peeps’ inaugural media list, curated and kicked-off by our editor Ife Olatunji, focuses on afrofuturism in its many forms.
