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Live From: Is technology a protagonist or an antagonist in your life?
Saina, 28
Urban Design Student
Tabriz, Iran
Technology is a good thing. It’s useful in our lives, but it depends on the user and how they use it. It’s good for staying connected to the world, and for research in developing our country.
Alice, 20, Bartender
Edinburgh, Scotland
Technology is more of an antagonist in my life. Though it is a tool invented by humans and helps us in many ways, I personally believe that without it we would find other, perhaps better, solutions to the problems it solves. I wish it didn’t have such a big role in my life—especially social media.
Yiansheng, Co-founder Advertising Company
Beijing, China
I have an IT background and I work in advertising. Technology isn’t something new to me, but the pace of development surprises me. You can now work anywhere, discuss ideas with the team, and view client proposals. But it also makes it difficult to differentiate between personal and work time. This is bad. So, progress in one direction creates problems elsewhere. The Chinese have a saying: “Extremes meet,” so balance is an important skill we need to have.
Tom, Primary School Teacher
Tokyo, Japan
It is definitely a protagonist in my life. It helps me organise my life and teaching. Not only that, it inspires and promotes independence in my pupils by encouraging them to explore for themselves. On a personal level, being so far away from home, it plays a key part in communicating with family and friends.
Steph, 31, Social Media Marketing and Digital Strategy
Toronto, Canada
I’m an Instagrammer. I meet a lot of people through Instagram and Tumblr. I have made more of my friends through social media and the Web than in the streets or at a bar or a restaurant. I think it has been a really positive thing in my life, but sometimes I am scared by the level of dependence I have on it for social interaction and my livelihood. ●