The New Peeps
New look. New issue (finally!). New publishing schedule. New way to access our articles. New approach to editorial. New team. New Twitter handle.
The same deeply researched, authoritative content in a more accessible and collaborative Peeps experience!
In the time since we started Peeps, the publishing industry as a whole—and by this I mean music, movies, books, magazines—has had to reconfigure itself around new distribution methods and business models. We are no exception.
Here’s how the new Peeps works.
Let’s start with our delivery schedule and our new membership model. Peeps will publish a quarterly digital magazine every 3 months. In the meantime, there will be newsletters, forum articles, access to our store of curations from around the web from the last 5 years, access to our issue articles online, and an opportunity for you to make comments fueling the continued growth and development of content that you’d like to read on the site. We will create resources, with your input, like the production of playlists that feature music that view the topics of our issues from the perspective of people and cultural development. In addition to all of this, Peeps will also be launching a podcast later this year that will accompany the content for our issues.
And because this experience is more interactive, we’ve moved to a membership model. For $7 CDN per month, you can access all of our present and future content (digital for now but inclusive of print once we make the move).
Anything Peeps makes, as a full member, you can access.
If you’re just a casual visitor and only want to pick up a bit of our writing, individual articles can be purchased and free articles are available for you to get acquainted with our work.
All of this lets us create a space for community members to discuss the things that you find exciting: things that you think people should be talking about in the Peeps space.
We get to create the Peeps world with you, now, making it a wider and richer experience for all of us!